Analigner® in Regulation:

In the modern world, some organisations are so critical to commercial markets, they are regulated to ensure they meet the common need, and do not abuse their market position or strength. For at least the last two decades, large technology companies have monopolised their markets on a global scale, yet they remain inadequately regulated, and now appear as being uncontrollable, and possibly unstoppable.

These global companies have manoeuvred themselves into an unprecedented position of market strength and political influence, by becoming obscenely wealthy, while continuing to hide the reality that software development is now essentially a process that converts human knowledge into modern computer code and data on a global scale. Excessive use of subtle computer jargon and just-in-time continuous disruption of existing markets, have ensured that most humans remain either confused or in awe, or both, regarding these modern technologists and their super-machines now in our midst.

The science behind modern computer hardware is truly amazing, however in comparison the software instructions needed to control computers and other machines are much less so. Analigner supports market regulators by revealing how Internet-based software systems can be designed to be more open to scrutiny as and when needed.

If you are a senior executive or manager, please refer to our Target Market page.